idhant gulati

welcome to this little space of mine on the internet.
i'm majoring in cs at penn state. i find it fun making machines learn (ml) and studying the intricacies of how it works. i also like building cool stuff using machine learning. on the side, i also enjoy working with robots.
stuff i'm currently working on / have worked on in the past:
- researching on mixture of experts (MoEs), interpreting the inner working of these models. also, aiming for extreme domain specialisation in these models. recently, submitted a paper with preliminary work on this topic to ICLR 2025 (SLLM workshop).
- developing a machine learning model to predict the power usage of 3d printers contrinuting towards a digital twin framework for a research lab.
- building computer vision algorithm for fully autonomous combat robot for robomaster north america university league team at RoboX club (penn state).
- developed DenseTEX, a machine learning model to convert mathematical equation images into LaTeX. implemented encoder using DenseNet-169 and integrated gpt-style decoder.
- and more ...
feel free to reach to out!
- idhant